BOGE stands for technological competence and excellence in the field of NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness), lightweight design, mechatronics, materials and processes: from the first draft to series support after the start of production. We find individual solutions in vibration control and lightweight design and speak our customers' language: With around 3,600 employees and eleven locations in Germany, France, Slovakia, the USA, Brazil, China and Mexico, we have an international footprint. In addition, we have eight development centers and customer service centers.

nových kolegov

  1. Špecialista náboru
  2. Strojárenský pracovník - lakovňa
  3. Vývojový inžinier R&D
  4. Skladník s platným preukazom VZV
  5. Technik kvality
  6. Špecialista systému manažmentu dodávateľov
  7. Inžinier FMEA QM - globálny manažment kvality
  8. Elektrikár / Mechatronik
  9. Strojárenský pracovník - vulkanizácia
  10. Strojárenský pracovník - plasty